So...now I have a job.  Cool, I guess.  I get to be one of those productive members of society.  Nothing wrong with that.  I also have 3 hours until I have to be at work.  I guess I will finish unpacking some boxes in the bedroom.  

Talk about a productive day!  I am awesome.

BOINKY!  Man, this guy and I go way back.  I used to go over to Kaylee's house when we were kids and she would make me have tea parties with her and Bubbles.  She always liked to sit out in front of her house for the parties too.  So the neighbors could see.  The neighbors who were my classmates.  You know, that kinda sucked.  I miss Kaylee.  Ugh.
I got so caught up in my memories of Binky, Bubbles, and Kaylee (mainly just Kaylee) that I was late for my first day of work.  Excellent.

Pretty sure my boss is going to hate me.  Even better than being late.  I just can't win for losing, darn it.

Great.  My first day on the job and my boss wants me to attend a gala for a candidate she is supporting.  So now I have to either go alone or try to find someone to go with me...in two hours.

This day is just fantastic.  I better head home and try to figure this out.  I am pretty sure I couldn't be more of a loser right now.
UGH!  Who the heck I am going to take to this stupid thing?

Maybe I will just find a different job.  That sounds like an even better idea.

I would rather be trampled by llamas than go alone.  Seriously.

Oh wait a minute.  Kaylee introduced me to this friend of hers once...

What was her name...?

Kaylee called her O'Malley the Alley Cat after that Disney movie...

ERIN!  Erin O'Malley.

Maybe she will feel sorry for me because of this whole Kaylee thing.
Please don't have plans...please don't have plans...for the love of God please don't---

"HI!  Is this, Erin O'Malley?"

"It is.  Good.  Um, you probably don't remember me but Kaylee and I used to date and---"

"Oh yeah?  You do?  Yes, I was the one at the tea parties.  Glad you remember that--I mean me--Glad you remember me!

"So hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to this big political gala thing with me tonight?  You do!  Great!  It's in two hours.  Yes, I know it is short notice.  Can you meet me at my house?  Great.  See you soon!"

She made it to my house in under an hour.

Holy Halibut...she's even more beautiful than I remember.

After the gala we stopped in the park to chat.  I wanted to get to know her a little better.  She seemed nice and smart and witty and...well amazing!

We got stuck in that weird small talk loop: chatting about the weather and such.

It's been a long time since I've been on a first date.  I am fairly certain she thinks I am a dork...but....

"Erin...do you think we could do this again?"

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    Daniel just learned that the love of his life and his girlfriend since they were teens is a lesbian.  Totally shocked, Daniel has finally found a job in the Political career but will he find love, too?