"Kaylee, what's wrong?!  Is everything ok?  Please tell me what's wrong?  You can tell me anything and I will still love you."
"I'm sorry, Daniel.  I didn't know how to tell you before.  Maybe I didn't know how to tell myself.  Danny, I'm...I'm gay."

Erm...WHAT.THE.HECK!  How did I NOT know this?  How did I not see this coming?  Kaylee and I have been together since high school.  She's been my best friend since we were kids.  Seriously...how did I not know?


"Are you mad?  Do you hate me?"

"Kay-Kay...I could never, EVER, hate you.  This is just...wow.  Umm...I guess we are gonna have to break up, right?"

"Well, yeah.  But just because we aren't dating doesn't mean you aren't my best friend anymore.  Got it?"

"Kaylee, I wouldn't have it any other way."
Well, that kinda sucks.

And...now I have bills.  That really sucks.

I guess it's time to find a job.

Politics...yeah...I like to talk.  I could do that.

I have always wanted to be leader of the free world.  I guess this is where it begins.

"Look out world!  Daniel is gonna be a politician!"

God...I am lonely.  I am not even insane (yet) and here I am talking to myself.  Maybe this job will do me some good?

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    Daniel has just gotten his first home and he's invited his girlfriend to spend the night for the first time.  However, things did not go as planned and Daniel didn't know why...until now.