"Hey! Kay-Kay!  Sorry for the short notice!  I am REALLY glad you could get away for a while tonight.  I know taking care of your parents isn't easy.  I appreciate it."

"No problem, Danny.  I needed a break....and I figured you might be lonely now that you live on your own."

She still calls me Danny.  Nobody calls me that anymore, not since I was really little.  I love that she calls me that.  I love this woman.  I am sooo gonna marry her one day.
"Wow, Danny, this is all so romantic.  I can't believe you planned this night.  It is so unlike you to be romantic...like...at all.  Remember when you asked me to prom?"

"Yeah, not one of my best moments.  Sorry, Kay."

I was so nervous that Kaylee would say no to going to prom with me that I fumbled up the words.  I told her I had nothing better to do but go to prom with her.  She did say no that time.  I had to take her out to dinner to finally get a yes out of her!  That was not something that I want to remember but I know that she will tell our children that story one day.  Sheesh.

"So...uhh...Kay, I was wondering if you want to come back to my place tonight?  You know, hangout and...stuff?"

"Sure, Danny!  I'd love to see your new bachelor pad.  I bet it's great!"

"SCORE!  Erm...I mean, great."  

Get me out of here before I make an even bigger ass of myself!

So...now we're alone.  Great...how do I start this.  I guess I just ask?

"Hey, Kay-Kay, I love you and stuff..."

"This is starting to sound like prom again."

"WAIT!  I got this.  I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I was wondering...if you might want to fool around tonight?"

"Danny, I can't.  There's something you should know."

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    Last time we saw Daniel he had just moved into his own home.  He decided that asking his girlfriend, Kaylee, over was a much better way to spend his time than finding a job.