Will you look at my little family...well it's getting bigger.

We threw a birthday party for both Thene and Xander on the same night.  Thene was a little annoyed that the night wasn't all about her but their birthdays are so close together and we have so little money that we didn't have a choice.

However, with a child, a toddler, and a baby on the way, Thene let me know that a two bedroom house just was not going to work for her.

She wanted her own room and she wanted it now.  Being the princess that she is (and knowing that she is right, we needed to find something and it needed to be fast.

So while Staci took care of the kids, I started looking.

Most of the houses that were big enough for us were too expensive.  It just wasn't going to work.

Lucky for us, we found a house barely big enough at the same time that Staci's long lost uncle's cousin's nephew died and left us $36,000.  

Unlucky for him but our move was good to go.

Check it out...We have a garage!  With a door!

We didn't move that far but I think I did right by my family.

I hope we get nice neighbors who are good to our starter house.

There are many memories in that house...well, we will fill this one with new ones, too.

Look at that living room!  It's huge and there is so much room for the kids to play.

I know it looks a little naked right now but we just haven't had time to unpack all of our boxes.

I've been working even harder at the office to pay off the morgage.  Plus the kids and Staci still need to eat...you know things like that.

Oh, and Thene has really been pushing to go to LeFromage Art School.  I want to be able to send her...but it's just not in the bank right now.

Look at how much space there is in the dining room!

Six chairs and room for a highchair!  Oh, and space for Xander to play!

The space is amazing!

Staci loves it too!  There's plenty of room for her and the kids and the kitchen is a dream!

I know how much she loves to cook so I made sure the house we got had a dream kitchen.

The rest of the house isn't huge but I know that Staci loves that kitchen.

She has been devouring recipes like crazy.  I am going to need a diet soon with all the cobbler, key lime pie, sushi, and steak she's been making.

It's a far cry from the mac and cheese she made when we first got together.

The backyard is a dream.

Huge kitchen, play area for the kids, and a telescope!

It is such a great place here.  We really won the house lottery with this one.

The kids are thrilled too!

Thene is such a gorgeous little girl.  I have never seen a kid who loved pink as much as she does.

She's a total nerd like her good ol' dad but she's as sweet and caring as her mom.

She is great with her little brother...she just doesn't want to share a room with him.

Not that I blame her...the kid is learning how to use the potty.  He's a smelly companion at the moment.

Have you ever seen a cuter toddler than Xander?  I mean really...how adorable is that kid?

Some days looking at him makes me really sad. He might have Staci's hair color but it looks so much like my step-dad's...it's uncanny.

He has a super manly room.  I walk into Thene's room and it's like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol exploded.  Xander's room is soothing and full of testosterone.

Thank god for small favors and blue paint.

We decided the kids' restroom needed to be a little fun.  

We grabbed some of these things when the local amusement park remodeled.

They love it.  It freaks me out a little when I bathe Xander and there's a panda looking over my shoulder but at least they are happy.

Ahhh...our santuary.  A quiet place away from our little ones.

I have a feeling much fun will be had here in the future.  Right now we are too busy to have any fun lately.

And with a new little one on the way we probably won't have time for any fun for a while.

We really don't need to have any fun for a while anyway.  I have super sperm and Staci thinks about babies and we pop one out.

We don't have the money for more of those!

Speaking of popping another one out...

I have never seen her make a face like that during labor before.  This is going to be a long one.

Yes, this might be our third but darn it, this whole thing still makes me a little panic-prone.

What can I say?  I love my wife and whatever she is growing inside her.  I worry!

At least I managed to drive her to the hospital this time.  That's a first!

"Another little man!  I can't believe how lucky we are, Stace!"

"You know, Issac, we really need to have names chosen before they get here."

"Why?  We should get to know them first.  A name is important and should reflect their personalities."



"I want to name him Daniel."

"Oh...right...uh, why?"

"My dad's name was Daniel.  I like the name.  It's just as good as Xander...if not better.  What's wrong with the name Dainel?"

"Nothing at all Staci.  There is nothing wrong with it whatsoever.  Daniel is a great name!"

"Well then, Danny it is.  He's gonna be a great man just like his Daddy."

Shit...if she only knew.

"Sorry, Danny.  What have I gotten you into?  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DO NOT BE LIKE YOUR DADDY."

We should probably just NOT have kids anymore.  Things are getting too damn complicated these days.

"Think I can convince your mother that you are just so awesome we should never have anymore kids because we will only be disappointed when they are as fantastic as you?"

After the kids were in bed Staci caught me in the hallway with one of those looks.  Nothing good EVER comes of that look. Well...except more awesome little progeny.  I could tell however that was not where this was going to go.

"I was unpacking some boxes today Issac.  I left some stuff on the kitchen counter for you."
Looks like another kid is going to be the least of my worries...Shit.

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