I became a cop so I could find them before they found me.  I did it so I could protect my family, past and present.  I decided to go into the forensic analyst track because I am going to need to know how to find their traces when they think they haven't left any.

They destroyed my life and everything I knew.  I will destroy them before too long.  I just hope I am not too late...
FINALLY!  I have worked my way up from the dregs of snitch and desk jockey.  I am finally able to start my training as a DNA analyst.  Not a moment too soon, either.  I am making more money and my hours are better...which is good considering I now have a wife and TWO kids.

Did I mention my awesome new ride?

Staci is also very excited...she always said she loved a man in uniform.  Better take this away from the kiddies...in just a sec...

"Are you sure this is the place?"

"I dunno...Madame told us we should check here.  Some new family on the island...only been here a couple a years or something."

"Why does that matter?"

"Well you know this old island is fully of old biddies and richies who never leave.  It's weird to get new people on this island being out in the middle of the fucking ocean..."

"Is that the kid?"

"I dunno...we're looking for some toddle--yes.  Yes, that's the kid.  Is she alone?"

"Yeah, boss she's alone...might be for awhile too, by the looks of it."

"Is that our guy?  The one Madame wants?  Take a picture you dumbass!"

"I got it boss. I can't see him 'cause he's busy with her...but Madame might know more about it."

"Shit I hope she didn't see us!  Grab your camera and let's get out of here, quick!"

A few weeks later...

I am so glad that Staci loves a man in uniform....

But we are going to need a bigger house.

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    Back to the Beginning

    Issac now has a daughter and a newborn son.  He also might have some unwelcome visitors before too long.